How much does daycare cost?

Childcare costs vary. The best way to get tuition information is to speak with the Center Director of the school you’re interested in attending. Your Director can walk you through our childcare programs and care options, and answer all your questions. You may also download tuition rates for a specific school by visiting that school’s webpage and requesting tuition information from their ChatBot.

Factors Impacting Tuition Costs

  • Rates vary by school.
  • Your child’s age, and the programs you’re interested in.
  • Number of days, and the number of hours per day you need care.


Tuition is All-Inclusive

  • Fresh breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack. Meals are prepared on-site daily.
  • All curriculum instruction, consumables, and activities.
  • Spanish, sign language, and literacy programs.
  • School-age program tuition includes transportation from school to the center each afternoon. Both before-school and after-school care are available at most locations.

Childcare Tuition Discounts

Families with more than one child enrolled full-time may receive a multi-child discount. Please check with your Center Director for more details.

Tuition discount offers may not be combined, and are not applicable to other programs under The Sunshine House umbrella of companies.

Financial Aid for Childcare

Each state administers a subsidized childcare program, with eligibility based on household income and family size. Most Sunshine House schools accept families participating in these programs. If you think you may be eligible to receive childcare assistance, please apply for services through your participating state agency. If you are approved, you will receive a childcare voucher from your agency with instructions. If you’re not sure where to start, contact one of our schools and we’ll be happy to provide more details.


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